Holy matrimony

Lutheran belief on marriage

We believe that marriage is a divinely instituted life-long union of one man and one woman, created in Paradise before man's fall into sin (Genesis 2:18-25). In marriage, a Christian couple are to strive to reflect the relation of Christ and His bride, the Church (Ephesians 5:22-33). Therefore, husband and wife should exemplify lives of love, service, and fidelity.

Preparing couples for holy matrimony

If you wish to be married at our church, please, contact one of our pastors. You will be offered pre-marital instruction and also practical information how to arrange everything. 

Church or civil wedding 

As part of the ECAV CZ, the Lutheran Church in Prague has the right to administer wedding with legal consequences, which will produce marriage certificate (oddací list). Please consult with Pastor Martin Damašek to understand the legal procedure.